Gopalpura Bypass, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302018

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Intellectual Property

Trade Mark Search:[br_tc]Conducting search with the Office of the Registrar of Trade Marks to check whether any identical or deceptively similar marks are already registered or applied for registration.

Filing of Trade Mark Applications:[br_tc]Preparation and Filing of Trade Mark registration application and prosecution thereof.

Trade Mark watch service:[br_tc]Conducting periodical review of trade marks advertised in the trade mark journal to check whether any trade mark which is identical or deceptively similar to our client’s mark has been published and there is a need to oppose that mark.[br_tc]Obtaining status of existing Trade Mark applications.[br_tc]Filing and prosecution of various name change and assignment applications and documentation related thereto.[br_tc]Advising on Registration of Trade Mark.[br_tc]Advising on matters of Trade mark Infringement.[br_tc]Advising and presentation in Trade Mark disputes.

Patents Services Offered

Prior Art Search.[br_tc]Drafting of Specifications for Patent.[br_tc]Preparation and filing of Application for patent and its prosecution.[br_tc]Pre-&post grant oppositions.[br_tc]Patent infringement analysis.[br_tc]Technology marketplace search.[br_tc]Technology transfer licensing.[br_tc]Copyright: Services Offered

Copyright Search.[br_tc]Filing and prosecution of Copyright application.[br_tc]Advise on registrability of the matter/work as a copyright.[br_tc]Enforcement of copyright rights.[br_tc]Design: Services Offered

Design search.[br_tc]Preparing and filing of Application for registration of design and its prosecution.[br_tc]Design licensing.[br_tc]Enforcement of rights of proprietor of design.

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